Select your plan

Choose a service to suit your budget. You can start right now!
By sending up to 300 messages for free.

Pricing overview

Choose to pay-per-message or pay-per-subscriber. phpList Plus includes additional features. Free accounts include 300 messages and unlimited subscribers.

Prices are in US Dollars. Euros and British Pounds also accepted. See the complete price list for a simpler view.

Drag the slider to select the number of messages you want to send:

Send up to 300 messages per month.

You can optionally add one-time topups to your active pay-per-message plan from within your account

Drag the slider to select the number of subscribers you have:

Send to 500 subscribers.

Maximum messages 1m per month

Send 9000 messages per month for $1 only.*

* Maximum subscribers: 3000
Options Standard Plus
Total price per month $0.00 -
Detailed message analytics
Continous delivery monitoring
Stop Delivery In Progress
Scheduling and repeat sending
Embed images in templates
Email attachments
No "Powered by phpList" Ads
Use your own domain
Image storage space
Multiple user accounts
Subscriber 'exclude lists'
Additional plugins

Want to run phpList on your own server? Download at


Messages 300
Subscribers 500
Standard plan $0.00
Plus plan -

Discounts available

  • Pay half yearly: 5%
  • Pay yearly: 10%
Free sign up

All prices include VAT.