Pricing & Package Comparison

Plans compared – find the best value for you

Compare the price and capacity of Pay-Per-Message and Pay-Per-Subscriber plans. Larger capacity Pro-Marketer Plans are priced separately, as are plans with phpList Plus.

PPS: Pay-per-subscriber
PPM: Pay-per-message



300 Free Free
500 $10
1,000 $12.50
2000 $8
2,500 $18.75
5,000 $31.25 $15
10,000 $56.25
15,000 $45
25,000 $125
30,000 $90
50,000 $218.75 $135
75,000 $312.50
100,000 $375.00 $270
150,000 $405
150,000 – 25 million Contact us! Contact us!
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