We have adopted the Spamhaus' project definition of Spam. Spam as applied to email means 'Unsolicited Bulk Email'.
You may use phpList.com and other phpList Ltd services only to send emails to contacts who have given you written (including electronic) permission to send them emails.
This means:
How to obtain people's permission:
You may not use phpList.com or any other phpList Ltd service to promote anything illegal or to harass somebody.
You may not use phpList.com to send email campaigns that link to or display nudity, obscene content, gambling related content, pharmaceutical related content, illegal software, viruses, or to distribute any other content that we deem inappropriate.
You may not use our bandwidth for anything other than your phpList campaigns. This means that you can only store images and templates you are using for your phpList communications. It is not allowed to use our servers as extra storage space.
phpList allows you to send a webpage, i.e. designing your newsletter on a page of your website and sending it to your contacts. It is allowed to send pages from your own website only. When doing this, make sure your server can handle the increased request of html and images after sending out a campaign.
We limit the number of messages that can be sent from your account using batch processing. When your account show compliance to our terms and conditions, the batch size will be increased.
We have limited the number of messages that are sent out to the same domain, automatically queueing the rest for the following minutes.
To protect the reputation of phpList.com and that of our clients, we screen email campaigns for indicators of potential problems such as large import, high campaign volumes, suspicious content in the subject or content of the campaign, bounce reports and number of unsubscribe requests.
We specifically do this with new phpList.com account holders. If we encounter activity that we deem inappropriate, we will suspend your account and ask you for an explanation. If you can provide a proper explanation, we will re-activate your account.
When a recipient clicks the "this is spam" button in his email application, a FeedbackLoop (FBL) report is sent to us. We remove the complainer from the sender's list, and track other complaints about that campaign. If the number of complaints per campaign exceeds a certain threshold based on list size, we take appropriate action (which can lead to closing down your account).
If you know of or suspect any phpList.com users of violating this anti-spam policy, please let us know. phpList.com users can be identified by the URL ending with .hosted.phplist.com. Any other URL will be the Download version of phpList in which case we have no control over the system and the contents. In those situations, you can review our page on spam and how to deal with it .