Join the Open Source revolution, and get paid for it

For more than 20 years, phpList Ltd has been dedicated to creating Open Source software and contributing to the wider Open Source community. Additionally, we achieve our aims by exclusively using Open Source systems and services. Along with our passion for Open Source, we are a company that is committed to equal opportunities for all, regardless of individual characteristics such as disability, gender, age, religion, or ethnicity.

The common things we share are a belief in the importance of free and Open Source software and a commitment to doing great work for our clients and the communities we work in.

We welcome applications with any level of experience. This can either be an opportunity for a junior or graduate to build up their knowledge of DevOps and Open Source software development, or it can be an opportunity for a senior technical engineer to use their skills to the benefit of the wider Open Source community. Our salary offer will reflect your existing skill level. We look for a positive and constructive attitude, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn, more than existing skills.

phpList Ltd

The company has two primary activities: coordinating the community development of the phpList application and providing hosting and support for Software as a Service (SaaS) clients.

We are looking for someone to contribute to our software development activities and to our online service.

The nature of the work is varied, and you may find yourself taking the lead role on one or more projects as well as providing general systems support. In general, you'll be balancing your time between Operations (keeping things up and running) and Projects (finding better ways to do things).

We value learning and experimentation and encourage team members to pass on the things they've learned to others in the company. Training is supported in varied forms, including self-directed learning and structured third-party courses.

It's vital that you are comfortable communicating with a non-technical audience and people from different cultures.

Note: No recruiters please.

Open Positions

DevOps Engineer

Skills you will definitely need


These are the tools we use most of the time. We don't expect you to know all of these, but the more you know, the quicker you will be productive.

Bonus skills

If you know any of these, that would also be great.

Do you think this sounds attractive? Drop us a line at