Import a self-hosted phpList database

Exporting subscribers from your phpList installation is quick and easy, but does not include campaign statistics and subscriber history.
If you would like to switch from hosting your own version of phpList to a account without losing data, your old database can be imported.

This procedure requires exporting an SQL file from your existing server (also known as a database dump file). The SQL file must include both database structure, and data.

This can be generated using phpMyAdmin, and various hosting tools which you may have access to (e.g. CPanel, Plesk). If you have commandline access to your server, you can run  the following command to create the necessary file (replacing text in square brackets with your own information):

mysqldump -u root -p[root_password] [database_name] > phplist-database-dump.sql

Your SQL file then must be shared securely with staff who will check and if necessary upgrade it before importing to the desired account.

There is one-time $60 fee (including VAT) chargeable for this database import, which covers the cost of performing security checks and ensuring phpList version compatibility.

You can send your database import request to, or via a new support request from your